Roller Skate Disco
Upcoming Sessions
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Saturday 9th November
Saturday 16th November
Saturday 23rd November
Saturday 30th November
Saturday 7th December
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Saturday 14th December
Saturday 21st December
Saturday 28th December
Saturday 4th January
Saturday 11th January
Saturday 18th January
Saturday 25th January
Saturday 1st February
Saturday 8th February
Saturday 15th February
Saturday 22nd February
Saturday 1st March
Saturday 8th March
Saturday 15th March
Saturday 22nd March
Saturday 29th March
Saturday 5th April
Saturday 12th April
Saturday 19th April
Saturday 26th April
Saturday 3rd May
Saturday 10th May
Saturday 17th May
Saturday 24th May
Saturday 31st May
Saturday 7th June
Saturday 14th June
Saturday 21st June
Saturday 28th June
Saturday 5th July
Saturday 12th July
Saturday 19th July
Saturday 26th July
Saturday 2nd August
Saturday 9th August
Saturday 16th August
Saturday 23rd August
Saturday 30th August
There is a Zebra discount of 15% on skater entry tickets, 15% on food and soft drinks and 50% on non-entry skater tickets
Entry with your own skates £8.90
Entry with skate hire £12.30
Non-Entry skate £6.20 - there is 50% off with a valid Zebra Discount
Useful information
We provide locker facilities in Roller City solely for your use during the duration of your skating session or party and they 20p which is non-refundable.
No discount is applied when skate hire is bought as a standalone.
We want everyone to be safe while having fun, so please read our Skating Safety Rules.
And have a look at our FAQ.